Thursday, October 28, 2010

Custom jewelery creations

This week we worked on jewelery making. The above hand-out shows tools and findings used when making jewelery. Programs participants created custom polymer pendents and beads as well as earrings and necklaces. 

                             Here are some of our creations:

T-shirt based designs

We studied about tunics and t-shirts. A t-shirt is commonly worn nowadays, as is a tunic. A t-shirt is a short-sleeved collarless undershirt and often shaped like a T. The t-shirt and the tunic have similarities and differences. Both are flexible and can be made from any type of fabric. The differences from a t-shirt and a tunic is that a tunic pattern is only 1 piece while a t-shirt is a 4-piece pattern. A tunic was worn during ancient times in Greece and Rome, it can be worn by both women and men.

Original sketches by Astrid Mejia and Naima Yi and the fabric swatches on the paper are re-used.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Here is a detailed description on how to use a sewing machine. With this paper it was easy for me, if you have no idea on how to even use a machine like I did then this is extra helpful. It gives you a very detailed description on how a sewing machine's anatomy is and how it works.